KERN Balances were founded in 1844 and have over 170 years of experience and devotion to quality which has enabled them to become specialists in the weighing field. Eurostar Scientific has been proud to work with KERN for the last number of years and now our sister company, Breckland Scientific Supplies, are cataloguing a selection of their range. The range includes the complete spectrum of weighing techniques, mainly industrial balances, laboratory balances, test weights and DKD calibrations.
KERN also have a complete Optics range including over 70 microscope models varying from simple school microscopes to the most demanding applications in research and development. In addition, they have 70 analogue and digital refractometers for the food industry, agriculture, restaurants and canteen kitchens as well as industrial applications.
Eurostar Scientific can offer you the complete range of KERN products. Click here to download a PDF of some the best sellers in laboratory balances and microscopes.